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Cape Cod Institute Brief Interview – July 13, 2018
Here’s a very brief interview that took place after I taught a week-long course on the optimal future self at the Cape Cod Institute.
Frequencies, Entanglement and Interbeing
Here’s a recent talk I gave at Unity Center in Norwalk, CT:
Return to Steadiness Guided Meditation
This guided meditation invites you to settle into the core steadiness that is always present, that is never disturbed, and that is a resource you can lean into during challenging times. Using the metaphor of “becoming a mountain”, you have an opportunity to directly experience the qualities of steadiness that can be found in a mountain, experiencing yourself as a mountain.
2024 November Meditation
This month, we continue to focus on orienting to our optimal life, remembering to do so with an open heart. We remember that we are a unique expression of the Life that lives us and that we can practice “not knowing” so that we remain open to optimal possibilities that come our way. With our stance of “not knowing”, potentially limiting beliefs and preconceptions stay out of the way as we invite Life to live us into our optimal expression.
Here’s the audio version, with music:
If you’d rather do the meditation with images from nature, here’s the YouTube version: