2025 March Meditation

2025 March Meditation

This month, we settle into timeless stillness and then shift our awareness to the love that naturally radiates from our heart space. Remember that this love is an infinite universal energy and there is always more to fill your heart. In this meditation, we radiate love to our whole body-mind being, then out into the environment, and on into the world. Notice the quality of being that arises when focused on resonating with and radiating love.

Here is the audio version of the meditation.

If you would prefer to use the YouTube version with images of nature, here’s the link:


2025 February Meditation

2025 February Meditation

This month, we focus on noticing how our own radiating presence connects and interacts with the radiating presence of absolutely everything else. Also, we focus on becoming increasingly aware of the frequencies with which we resonate moment to moment. Because we participate in, and contribute to, collective consciousness, any frequency with which we resonate is automatically and spontaneously amplified.

Here’s the audio version of the meditation:

And, if you’d prefer a meditation with images of nature, here’s the YouTube version:

2025 January Meditation

2025 January Meditation

As we begin a new year of audio meditations, we also begin a new set of themes for the year. We’ll explore stillness and timelessness, along with the centrality of choices, frequencies, and possibility as the year moves along. For this month’s meditation, I invite you to find that place of stillness inside that is both a refuge and a resource, a quality of deep quiet and the experience of just being…

Here’s the audio version:

If you’d rather listen while having nature photos, here’s the YouTube version:

Meditation on Radiating Light and Love
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Meditation on Radiating Light and Love

In this meditation, I invite you to offer radiating light and love to our precious planet and all life on it, holding the intention that the light and the love serve the greatest good for the greatest number. This includes every single life-form on the planet–all our earth-kin, and the planet itself. Remember that everything is light, energy, and qualified by the frequencies it embodies and those with which it resonates.

Here’s the audio version:

If you prefer nature photos with your meditation, here’s the YouTube version:

2024 December Meditation

2024 December Meditation

Here we are, at the end of the year. Our meditation continues with focusing on your heart space and the process of radiating love to yourself, your world, and all who share this planet with you. It invites you, in part, to all forth our optimal relationship between humanity and all our earth-kin…

Here’s the audio only version of the meditation:

If you prefer to meditation with images from nature, here’s the YouTube version: