704th Week: The Concept of Emergence—Expect Miracles

704th Week: The Concept of Emergence—Expect Miracles

Watching a video of a talk from, I think, a Science and Nonduality Conference, a concept caught my attention and got me to thinking about the power of creativity and unexpected discoveries.  In this talk, the presenter described the process of  “emergence”, where nature is able to bring things together and create completely unanticipated results, outcomes we wouldn’t be able to conger up from the original elements involved.  The example he gave that stuck with me is how, when nature brings together two inert elements—say, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen—there is no way any of us would expect that combination to create a liquid, water.  For me, this is a powerful and inspiring example of Nature’s intelligence and of the creative, living context in which we live. Read More “704th Week: The Concept of Emergence—Expect Miracles”

703rd Week:  Supporting A Sense of Connection

703rd Week:  Supporting A Sense of Connection

I am, without question, a creature of habit.  There is a place in Central Park where I sit on weekend mornings and do a lot of the writing that shows up here as weekly practices.  Because I’m pretty much a regular during seasons that encourage being outdoors, I have come to know others who are also regulars on weekend mornings.  One man who works at the restaurant in the park comes by each weekend morning and we have a bit of a chat.  One morning, because it rained the day before, he mentioned that he missed seeing me on his way to work… Read More “703rd Week:  Supporting A Sense of Connection”

702nd Week:  Befriending Silence

702nd Week:  Befriending Silence

I’ve run across a number of articles recently that speak to the physical benefits of silence.  One I just read a few days ago talks about how silence generates new cells in the hippocampus of mice.  This is an intriguing finding, given that we know that trauma shrinks the hippocampus.  Here’s the link to that article: http://www.lifehack.org/377243/science-says-silence-much-more-important-our-brains-than-thought

Another article, which I read a while ago, speaks to a number of benefits that arise from spending time in silence, Read More “702nd Week:  Befriending Silence”

701st Week:  Revisiting the “Raincloud of Knowable Things”

701st Week:  Revisiting the “Raincloud of Knowable Things”

I’ve written before about some of the basic teachings I received from my grandmother between the ages of 10 and 16, when she was my first spiritual teacher.  One of the important things I took from those years was my understanding of what she called “the raincloud of knowable things”.  Because she believed and lived in a sense of collective consciousness, her experience was that there is nothing in the world that “belongs” to any one person or group.  In the “raincloud of knowable things”, all ideas, creative possibilities, deep understandings are available to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Read More “701st Week:  Revisiting the “Raincloud of Knowable Things””

700th Week:  Avoiding Objectifying

700th Week:  Avoiding Objectifying

I recently launched a new website—Portals to Multidimensional Living—which offers me a forum for the spiritual side of my life.  It’s at www.portaltomdl.com.  Because I’ve been spending so much time orienting myself to the content on that website, I’ve found myself thinking more deeply about everyday life and the whole subject of conscious living.  Read More “700th Week:  Avoiding Objectifying”