909th Week: More Gratitude Practice

909th Week: More Gratitude Practice

Walking across Central Park this morning, I was filled to overflowing with gratitude for all the years I had the privilege of soaking in the beauty, the life-giving vitality, and the spirit of this wonderful place each and every morning on my way to my office. This brought me again to the importance of noticing and experiencing gratitude. As I walked on familiar pathways, the presence of gratitude filled and inspired me.

This experience returns me to an awareness of the importance of gratitude as a frequency we can constantly bring into our lives, and of the health-affirming quality it conveys. I have an active and ongoing relationship with gratitude and I find it supports me during challenging experiences. An example is when I had some rather extensive dental surgery a week ago. After about an hour of what turned out to be a two-hour process, I found myself orienting to what I call the spirit of gratitude. You might think of it as the essence of gratitude, or the frequency of gratitude. I oriented to experiencing the presence and quality of gratitude to help myself continue to be settled and at ease in the chair. I found that choosing to resonate with this essence made all the difference in my ability to remain calm and gratefully open to the help I was receiving.

For this week’s practice, I invite you to find, in the course of the coming week, many moments to be aware of gratitude. You may already have a gratitude practice and, if you do, use this practice to increase the number of times you express your gratitude. You may discover gratitude in some unexpected places when you look for it, even as you may find yourself reinforcing an awareness of gratitude that is already alive and present in your experience.

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908th Week: Practicing with Frequencies

908th Week: Practicing with Frequencies

I cannot say enough about frequencies and the role they play in our quality of life. One of the practices I use to shift frequencies touches on elements used by HeartMath, where breathing in and out through the heart is a standard aspect of their practices and I’d like to share it with you for this week’s practice in conscious living. I began this particular practice as part of my daily self-care routine. It originally arose as a means to help me invite my blood pressure into the numbers that I want to have at this stage of my life. What I noticed when I did this practice is that it not only accomplished what I had in mind, it also relaxed my whole bodymind being. That response reminded me of the importance of frequencies and how they affect the quality of our internal life.

So, here’s the practice and I invite you to see how it resonates for you. Also, I’ve chosen two frequencies—love and ease. These may not be the ones that touch you most powerfully, so see what works best for you as you explore this practice. Also, as a side note but a very important one, I think of spiritual teacher David Spangler’s comments about how useful it is to generate frequencies that are inhospitable to qualities we would rather not have in our lives and experience. That’s why it’s important for you to choose the frequencies that resonate most powerfully for you, in terms of what qualities you seek to experience internally.

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2023 March Meditation

2023 March Meditation

This month, we continue with our theme of presence and the many reciprocal relationships we have with the world around us. We breathe in oxygen, a gift from trees who then breathe in our carbon dioxide. Bringing into awareness all the organisms and beings whose presence and activities contribute to what makes the world work for us, i.e., fungi, micro-organisms and more we don’t see and may not even recognize. Also insects, amphibians, reptiles, beings that fly, crawl, and swim and many other participants in the collective, interrelated system that creates your local environment and ecology. We have an opportunity to offer gratitude and blessings to everything in the environment with which we have a reciprocal relationship.

Please remember never to listen to these audio meditations when driving or operating dangerous machinery…

907th Week: Going with the Flow—Letting Go

907th Week: Going with the Flow—Letting Go

A couple of weekends ago, I took a walk across Central Park to say hello to the office I had for 33 years. It lives on the corner of 90th and Central Park West in New York City, and for all those years I was able to look at trees in Central Park every day, all day long. That office and I had many powerful experiences together over those years and as I walked back across the park a practice came to mind that I spoke into the phone as an email and sent to myself to work on later. The process of creating that practice reminded me that for all the years I walked across Central Park each weekday morning, I often had my most creative inspirations during those walks.

A couple of days later, when I settled in to write up the practice, I discovered that it had disappeared into the mysterious realm of “where did that email I spent so much time creating go”? The email I sent to myself is nowhere to be found. No amount of searching has revealed it. So, that practice is lost somewhere in cyberspace and seems no longer to be in my head, either.

What this brought into my awareness was the importance of recognizing when there’s nothing to do but to go with the flow of what’s unfolding. And so, what arises from my experience is this practice that I’m sharing with you right now. Since I realized the email was gone, gone, gone, I’ve been having to accept that what I had wanted to share is no more, so I can now engage the practice of letting go of preconceived expectations and, instead, being present to what is.

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906th Week: Gratitude

906th Week: Gratitude

As I begin this practice in conscious living, it’s 5 degrees outside with a sparkling blue sky and strong wind. I find that I am deeply grateful to be indoors, to have heat, and have no reason to go outdoors on this very cold day. What this brings to mind are all the people who don’t have this choice because they work in jobs that serve the rest of us—in the post office, trash collection, the local Starbuck’s and other businesses, fire fighters and other emergency personnel, bus drivers, subway operators, cab drivers. The list goes on and on and, as I think about them, I am filled with gratitude. I also feel concern for them, as it’s a day when it’s not really safe to be outside.

What this brings to mind is the importance of gratitude. It’s a response that not only nurtures one’s own well-being, but it also orients awareness to the contributions of so many participants in our daily lives. Those contributors may be people, they may be other-than-human companions, they may be offerings from nature—food, water, fresh air. 

As I write this, I’m eating a pear. What an amazing gift! I often find myself mystified as to how Nature draws on a dynamic creativity that generates all the amazing life forms on this planet. Ecology at times leaves me speechless with its complexity and fundamental collaborative/cooperative underpinnings, so my gratitude, including amazement, often orients itself to the dynamic creativity and intelligence of this planet’s eco-systems.

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2023 February Audio Meditation

2023 February Audio Meditation

This month, we continue the theme of how we are in relationship with everything around us. This meditation is an invitation to sense into the presence of the environment around you, noticing how your radiating presence contributes to this environment even as its presence, and all that comprises it, touches you.

Please remember never to listen to these audio meditations when driving or operating dangerous machinery…