2022 June Meditation

2022 June Meditation

This month, we focus on the essence/frequency of compassion. This year, we explore a different essence each month, bringing its living presence into our experience. Imagine going through everyday activities resonating with and expressing compassion…

If you’d rather have nature images with your meditation, here’s our YouTube version:

2022 May Meditation

2022 May Meditation

This year, we focus on the theme of frequencies, of the qualities of energy with which we resonate, what we express, and how we perceive and interact with ourselves and our environment. The theme for May is the frequency of Love, one of the most powerful energies we can access, experience, and express.

If you’d rather experience this meditation with images of nature, here’s the YouTube version…

2022 April Meditation

2022 April Meditation

Note: The recording for the next few months isn’t as clear as earlier recordings because the external microphone stopped working. I hope to have a new one for recordings in coming months, although the next three months will have the same fidelity as this one…

This year, we are exploring the dynamics of attuning ourselves to a variety of frequencies, which are the energy qualities of different states of being. This month, we focus on the frequency/ quality of equanimity, attuning to that living essence in whatever ways allow it to come alive to and within us.

If you prefer to have visual images with your meditation, below is our YouTube version of the same guided meditation with nature photos…

2022 March Audio Meditation

2022 March Audio Meditation

Our theme this year continues to be focusing on various frequencies, qualities, tones of being that may be imagined as energy frequency, color, as a Spirit embodying and radiating the quality, or in any other way that brings it alive for you. This month, we focus on the living presence of gratitude and explore how it is to call this frequency into the foreground of your awareness, being, and actions, in yourself and in your relationship to the world around you.

If you would prefer to listen while seeing images of nature, here’s our YouTube version…

2022 February Audio Meditation

2022 February Audio Meditation

This month, we focus on the frequency of ease as we continue to explore the importance of orienting to frequencies/qualities of being and expression that support, nourish and inspire us. Starting each day choosing the frequencies with which we want to resonate offers a choice about what qualities we want to experience and radiate to the world around us.

If you’d prefer to listen to this meditation with images from nature, here’s the YouTube version.

2022 January Audio Meditation

2022 January Audio Meditation

This year, we’ll focus on frequencies, the energy qualities that we embody and express in every moment. Each month, we’ll draw on a different frequency, exploring identifying, accessing, embodying, and deepening awareness of various frequencies.

If you would prefer to explore this meditation with images of nature, here’s our YouTube version: