Week 657: Choosing Frequencies
Gratitude practice has become a more common option for people who want to explore the impact of choosing a specific quality, essence, or energy as a focus of attention. Some gratitude practices Read More “Week 657: Choosing Frequencies”
Week 656: Expanding the Tribe
Somewhere in my meanderings through Facebook, reading, and listening to talks, I ran across a statement that captured my attention. I believe it was Jon Stewart who talked about how the human species is fundamentally “tribal” Read More “Week 656: Expanding the Tribe”
Week 655: I Choose Love
As I did my HeartMath practice this morning, I found that I could pretty reliably return to a coherent heart and internal sense of balance (which translates as a “green” response on the Inner Balance app), when I silently repeated the mantra, “I choose love”. Read More “Week 655: I Choose Love”
Week 654: Returning to Heart Perception
I find myself having to very consciously return to heart perception many times a day these days. I find that this perception adds in a different, or maybe more expanded, perspective to whatever I might experience in a given moment. Especially when I feel activated or discouraged, Read More “Week 654: Returning to Heart Perception”